I jumped on the CORONAPOCOLYPSE sourdough starter internet bandwagon. I have actually wanted to try my hand at a sourdough starter for a long time, and never made it a priority. So since we are sheltering in place and all of that I decided now is the time! (you know because my roles as distance learning enforcer, breakfast-lunch-dinner lady, blogger, graphic designer, housekeeper, mom and wife weren't keeping me busy enough😂) I've been following the process from Amber's Kitchen on Instagram. So far I've made English muffins and sourdough rolls. Today I decided to try a loaf of french bread. I'm learning that you don't have to use a recipe specifically for sourdough to use your sourdough starter. So I follwed Amber's kitchens recipe for french bread and replaced the yeast with a cup of my sourdough starter.
For some reason my starter didn't seem as bubbly today as it usually does after I feed it. So I wasn't sure how successful this loaf would be. All in all I would say it was a success. The flavor was good it wasn't really very sour, I wasn't going for sourdough today so that in my opinion is a good thing. It was a little more dense than I would have liked, I'm wondering if that is because my starter wasn't as active as it should have been. I also used a combination of white flour and spelt flour, which the spelt could have added to the dense texture. I will definitely be trying this again. To see if I can make it just a little bit better. All in all I'm happy with my first attempt.
Some of my favorite kitchen items that I used today were of course my KitchenAid. This was my first baby that I got shortly after my husband and I got married over a decade ago. I also LOVE these covered Pyrex Bowls. I love them so much I have two sets and use them everyday, mutlitple times a day. They come in very handy for mixing and storing and a more! The perfect place to let your yummy bread dough rise! I hope you enjoyed coming along with me on my bread making experiment. I'm by no means a professional, but I had fun. Let me know if you give it a try!
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